February 2017, King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) announced the newly promoted 20 outstanding lawyers and counsel in China office. The new partners and counsels are from a broad range of practice areas, including banking and finance, securities, corporate and M&A, capital markets, PE & funds, IP, IP litigation, commercial disputes, cross-border dispute resolutions, restructuring & insolvency and employment. With the continuous optimization of the talent cultivation and promotion systems, KWM continues to have more excellent young lawyers joining its partnership. It is expected that the new partners will not only strengthen KWM’s overall business, but also help drive KWM to innovate and explore high quality service models in the new era.
In addition, with its international platform and leading management system, KWM continues to attract lateral legal elites across different areas to join the firm, who enhance KWM’s comprehensive capabilities in corporate securities, finance and capital markets and other practice areas, and boost its business growth in Asia and broader international markets.
Wang Ling, KWM China’s Managing Partner, said, “Congratulations to the new partners. Welcome to our partnership!, We also welcome those who have just joined KWM. With the firm’s continuous optimization of the talent training, promotion and appointment mechanism, we are pleased to see a growing partners’ team consisting of old, middle-aged and young talents. They focus on client needs, support each other in business, work together to innovate, cultivate ‘fresh blood’ in team building, and they represent elites in all major industries. They will inherit KWM’s culture, inspire innovative thinking characteristic of the present times, and help KWM stay at the forefront of the industry and lead the firm into a prosperous future.”
2017年新晋升和加入的人员包括 The full list of the 2017 newly promoted partners and lateral hires includes:
- 姜丛华 Jiang Conghua
- 杨凯章 Yong Kaichang
- 潘振华 Pan Zhenhua
- 孙及 Sun Ji
- 丁婕 Ding Jie
- 刘志陟 Liu Zhizhi
- 刘丰 Liu Feng
- 卢勇 Lu Yong
- 石鑫 Shi Xin
- 王立峰 Wang Lifeng
金融资本部 Finance & Capital Market
- 温建利 Wen Jianli
- 刘佳 Liu Jia
- 张劲松 Jeff Zhang
- 王小刚 Wang Xiaogang
- 蔺志军 Lin Zhijun
- 姜志会 Jiang Zhihui
- 林喆 Lin Zhe
商务合规部 Commercial & Regulatory
- 刘婷 Liu Ting
争议解决部 Dispute Resolution
- 迂峰 Yu Feng
- 杨立 Yang Li
- 周伟 Zhou Wei
- 王悦 Wang Yue
- 徐献宏 Xu Xianhong
- 刘军 Liu Jun
- 王囝囝 Wang Jianjian
- 李嵘辉 Li Ronghui
- 过仕宁 Guo Shining
知识产权部 IP
- 宋新月 Song Xinyue
- 毛琎 Mao Jin
- 刘迎春 Liu Yingchun
- 刘迎 Liu Ying
- 陈军 Chen Jun
- 倪振华 Ni Zhenhua