- 美国总统特朗普于2020年5月1日发布行政命令,要求能源部协同其他机构,以禁止涉及由外国对手开发、制造或供应的大容量电力系统电气设备的交易。
- 该行政命令以及相关实施细则将影响在美国从事发电和输电的参与者,包括电力项目和电网的开发商、投资商、承包商以及供应商。
- 该行政命令以及相关实施细则适用于收购、进口、转让货物以及技术、安装以及可能的维修和保养。
- 现存的项目应观望实施细则具体条款的出台;有待于进一步了解该法规带来的影响,新项目可能会被搁置或者推迟。
- 保守估计,包括电力传输网络在内的美国电力项目可能将会避免涉及中国的投资以及中国产品和技术的使用。
2020年5月1日,美国总统特朗普根据《国际紧急经济权力法》(50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq)(IEEPA),《国家紧急状态法》(50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.)(NEA),以及《美国法典》第3编第301条的授权签署了行政命令(Exectuive Order, EO),以限制“外国对手”参与电网的业务(涵盖了从发电到输电的各个领域)。该行政命令指出,其识别到外国对手对大容量电力系统的参与可能造成美国电网中断的风险,并认为这是对国家安全的重大威胁。
(i) 运行互联互通的电能传输网络(或其任何部分)所需的设施和控制系统;以及
(ii) 维持输电可靠性所需的发电设施生成的电能。
Executive Order Limiting Role of Chinese Companies in US Energy Projects
- The Executive Order (EO) issued by President Trump on May 1, 2020 requires that Department of Energy in concert with other agencies to prohibit transactions involving bulk-power system electrical equipment that has been developed, manufactured, or supplied by a foreign adversary.
- The EO and implementing rules will affect participants in electricity generation and transmission in the United States, including developers, investors, contractors, and suppliers to power projects and the electrical grid.
- The EO and implementing rules apply to acquisitions, imports, transfers of goods and technology, installation and probably repair and maintenance.
- Existing projects should wait and see the exact terms of the implementation regulations; new projects are likely put on hold or delayed pending a better understanding of the impact of the regulations.
- At a minimum, US power projects, including electricity transmission networks, will likely avoid Chinese investment and the use of Chinese products and technology.
On May 1, 2020, President Trump signed an Executive Order (EO), under the authority of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code to limit the involvement of “foreign adversaries” in the electricity grid—from power generation through transmission. The EO states that the order recognizes the risk of disruption of the US electricity grid posed by the involvement of foreign adversaries in the bulk-power system. The EO deems this to be a significant national security threat.
The Executive Order specifically includes the following definitions:
(i) facilities and control systems necessary for operating an interconnected electric energy transmission network (or any portion thereof); and
(ii) electric energy from generation facilities needed to maintain transmission reliability.