作者:金杜律师事务所 King & Wood Mallesons2017年2月,金杜律师事务所宣布2017年新晋升一批合伙人和顾问。这些新合伙人和顾问的业务覆盖了银行与融资、证券、公司并购、资本市场、私募基金、知识产权、知识产权诉讼、商事诉讼、跨境争议解决、破产重组、劳动法等各个领域。随着金杜在人才培养和晋升等方面制度的不断优化,更多的优秀年轻律师加入到合伙人队伍中,他们不仅将进一步加强金杜的整体业务实力,还将成为金杜持续创新和探索新时代优质法律服务模式的有生力量。

February 2017, King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) announced the newly promoted 20 outstanding lawyers  and counsel in China office. The new partners and counsels are from a broad range of practice areas, including banking and finance, securities, corporate and M&A, capital markets, PE & funds, IP, IP litigation, commercial disputes, cross-border dispute resolutions, restructuring & insolvency and employment. With the continuous optimization of the talent cultivation and promotion systems, KWM continues to have more excellent young lawyers joining its partnership. It is expected that the new partners will not only strengthen KWM’s overall business, but also help drive KWM to innovate and explore high quality service models in the new era.Continue Reading 2017开年晋升新合伙人,金杜中国团队实力持续稳步增强 King & Wood Mallesons continues to enhance its strength in China with new partner promotions announced at the beginning of 2017