Provisions for Establishing a Registration and Administration System for Persons with Insider Information in Listed Companies


2010年11月16日,国务院办公厅转发的证监会、公安部、监察部、国资委、预防腐败局等五部委《关于依法打击和防控资本市场内幕交易意见》(国办发[2010]55号,以下简称55号文),就依法打击和防控内幕交易工作进行了统筹安排和全面部署,明确要求上市公司建立内幕信息知情人登记管理制度。中国证券监督管理委员会(证监会)于2011年10月25日公布《关于上市公司建立内幕信息知情人登记管理制度的规定》(《规定》),自2011年11月25日起施行。《规定》即是在证监会层面要求上市公司建立内幕信息知情人登记管理制度,是落实55号文的一项重要配套制度。Continue Reading 上市公司内幕信息知情人登记管理制度出台

By King & Wood’s Securities Group
On November 16, 2010, the General Office of China’s State Council promulgated a circular aimed at better detection, prevention and control of insider trading in capital markets by requiring listed companies in China to establish a registration system for people in possession of insider information (the "2010 Circular")[1].   To further implement the 2010 Circular, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (the "CSRC") released the Provisions for Establishing a Registration and Administration System for Persons with Insider Information in Listed Companies, which will become effective on November, 25 2011 (the "Provisions").

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