作者:出版部 / Publication Group

2013年11月1日是总部位于伦敦的国际律师事务所SJ Berwin正式加入金杜联盟的日子,联盟的目的是要建立一家根植于亚欧,深具国际影响并获得全球广泛专业认同,居于行业先导地位法律服务机构。《金杜》双语刊带您走进“我们的地球村”以庆祝这个新的里程碑。

On 1st November, 2013, the firm officially launched the new combination with the European leading firm, SJ Berwin. The combination aims to establish a law firm with roots in Asia and Europe, have significant international influence, have professional recognition globally, and take a leading position in the industry. To celebrate this new milestone, we published another bilingual issue of 《Jindu》which will bring you into our “global village”.


We’ll present Jindu bilingual publication in three series respectively. Enjoy your reading:
