2016年5月26日,在香港举行的In-House Community 2016年度法务大奖颁奖晚宴上,金杜律师事务所八位合伙人荣获“In-House Community年度外部法律顾问”大奖。获奖的合伙人包括:宁宣凤律师(北京)、胡梅律师(上海)、陆慧文律师(上海)、王军律师(上海)、史玉生律师(北京)、关峰律师(上海)、萧乃莹律师(香港)以及David Friedlander(悉尼)。六位中国办公室合伙人获奖,金杜藉此成为中国市场目前获得该媒体最多推荐律师奖项的律所。

26 May 2016, eight of King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) partners have been commended as In-House Community External Counsel of the Year at the In-House Community Counsel of the Year Awards 2016 held in Hong Kong. They are Susan Ning (Beijing), Meg Utterback (Shanghai), Lucy Lu (Shanghai), Jack Wang (Shanghai), Yusheng Shi (Beijing), Guan Feng (Shanghai), Minny Siu (Hong Kong) and David Friedlander (Sydney). With six awarded partners, so far KWM has won the most Commended Counsels awards by In-House Community in China.

作为亚洲地区深具影响力的法律媒体,In-House Community旨在通过这些年度奖项表彰在过去一年中做出重要贡献的内部及外部法律顾。 “In-House Community年度外部法律顾问”是当晚众多奖项中唯一一项表彰外部法律顾问的奖项类别,这些获奖的律师是由数百位企业内部法务人员投票和推荐得出的结果。获此殊荣,不仅力证了这些获奖金杜律师在中国乃至亚太地区卓越的执业实力,而且也反应了金杜一贯秉承的以客户为中心的理念。

As one of the most influential legal media in Asia, In-House Community acknowledges the vital contributions made by both in-house and external counsel over the past year. In-House Community External Counsel of the Year is the only award category dedicated to the external counsel on the Awards night, and the result was based entirely on the votes and recommendations of hundreds of in-house counsel. The recognitions not only demonstrate these commended KWM partners’ strength in their respective practice areas across the region, but also reflect KWM’s persistent pursuit of client-centred legal services.



(From left to right, presented at the awards ceremony are KWM partners Jack Wang, Lucy Lu, Meg Utterback, and Guan Feng.)