者:金杜律师事务所 King & Wood Mallesons
King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) has advised the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) on the recent publication of the ISDA 2016 China Collateral Memorandum to assist market participants in navigating the legal issues involved in exchanging collateral with a counterparty in China. The ISDA 2016 China Collateral Memorandum analyses the enforceability of collateral rights contained in ISDA credit support documentation under Chinese law.
金杜跨境法律团队由中国、香港以及澳大利亚办公室的衍生工具、金融及破产业务团队组成。该项目的主导合伙人包括香港办公室萧乃莹律师、马绍基律师,中国办公室陈运律师、周昕律师、关峰律师和郝朝晖律师。澳大利亚办公室衍生工具业务领域专家合伙人Scott Farrell律师也为该备忘录的推出提供了支持。
The cross-border KWM team comprises our derivatives, finance and bankruptcy teams across the network from China, Hong Kong and Australia. The key partners involved in this project include Minny Siu and Richard Mazzochi of our Hong Kong team, and China partners Robert Chen, Stanley Zhou, James Guan and Daryl Hao. In Australia, derivatives specialist Scott Farrell also assisted in the development of the memorandum.
The publication of the China Collateral Memorandum follows the rollout of new margin requirements for non-cleared derivatives in some jurisdictions on September 1. Developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and International Organisation of Securities Commissions, the margin framework is expected to be implemented in other jurisdictions over time.