作者:金杜律师事务所 King & Wood Mallesons
金杜伦敦、迪拜、上海三地办公室通力合作,在一起由英国JKX Oil & Gas Plc公司提出的高达2.7亿美元的油气税收仲裁纠纷中代理乌克兰政府赢得大胜,仲裁庭最终裁决乌克兰政府仅向JKX Oil & Gas Plc支付1180万美元的“附属索赔”。
The KWM team drew lawyers from across its London, Dubai and Shanghai offices to score a major victory for Ukraine in a US $270 million investment arbitration case brought by JKX Oil & Gas Plc relating to oil and gas taxation. The Tribunal ordered Ukraine to pay JKX just US $11.8 million in relation to what JKX described as its “subsidiary claims”.
JKX Oil & Gas Plc是一家在伦敦交易所上市的英国油气公司,宣称乌克兰政府对石油和天然气征收“过高的”生产税,违反了公平公正标准。2015年年初,便对乌克兰政府提起三项仲裁并要求赔偿:1、依据《能源宪章条约》在斯德哥尔摩商会仲裁院仲裁规则下的仲裁;2、依据荷兰-乌克兰双边投资保护条约(“双边投资保护条约”)在解决投资争端国际中心(ICSID)规则下的仲裁;3、依据英国-乌克兰双边投资保护条约在贸易法委员会(UNCITRAL)仲裁规则下的仲裁。这三项仲裁后合并审理,最后阶段仅剩下JKX依据英国-乌克兰双边投资保护条约在UNCITRAL规则下的一项索赔。金杜团队在仲裁案中成功代理乌克兰政府,裁判结果仅就乌克兰政府要求私营企业只能向国有供应商购买天然气并限制汇出股息一项要求向原告支付1180万美元的“附属索赔”。
JKX Oil & Gas Plc is a UK-based oil and gas company listed on the London Stock Exchange. JKX’s claim focused on an asserted breach of the fair and equitable standard by reason of Ukraine imposing allegedly “excessive” production taxes on oil and gas. The claimants filed their claims against Ukraine as three separate arbitrations in early 2015: (i) in proceedings under the Rules of Arbitration of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce under the Energy Charter Treaty; (ii) in ICSID proceedings under the Dutch-Ukraine bilateral investment protection treaty (“BIT”); and (iii) in UNCITRAL proceedings under the UK-Ukraine BIT. The three proceedings were subsequently consolidated. However, by the end of the proceedings, the only claimant which remained was JKX pursuing the UNCITRAL proceedings under the UK-Ukraine BIT. Acting as Ukraine’s counsel in the JKX case, the Tribunal ordered Ukraine to pay JKX just US $11.8 million as its “subsidiary claims”. Those smaller claims included arose from Ukrainian rules compelling private companies to buy gas solely from the state-owned suppliers and imposing restrictions on transferring dividends abroad.
金杜在本项目中担任乌克兰政府的法律顾问。本项目负责合伙人为Andrei Yakovlev和Dorothy Murray,律师团队包括Wilson Antoon、Holly Blackwell、Alexis Namdar、Dina Suliman、Marco Toracca和Edmund Northcott。除代理本案外,金杜代表乌克兰政府还处理了英国房地产开发商Krederi Ltd依据英国-乌克兰双边投资保护条约在ICSID规则下对乌克兰提起总额为1.2亿美元的索赔,代表乌克兰国有石油公司Naftogaz Ukrayiny参与因控股乌克兰最大的石油生产商Ukrnafta的争议提起的LCIA仲裁,对方则为与寡头Igor Kolomoyski相联的三家公司。
The KWM team was led by partners Andrei Yakovlev and Dorothy Murray and included associates Wilson Antoon, Holly Blackwell, Alexis Namdar, Dina Suliman, Marco Toracca and Edmund Northcott. In addition to this case, KWM has been defending Ukraine against a US $120 million ICSID claim brought by a UK real estate developer Krederi Ltd under the UK-Ukraine BIT, as well as Ukraine’s national petroleum company Naftogaz Ukrayiny in a LCIA dispute over control of Ukraine’s largest oil company Ukrnafta, with three companies linked to oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky on the other side.