金杜律师事务所东京办公室迎来新合伙人——桥本圆(Madoka Hashimoto)律师。借助在融资、资本市场及一般公司法律事务等领域的丰富执业经验和广泛客户认可度,桥本圆律师将与东京办公室的各位合伙人共同提升整体团队的服务实力。

King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) Tokyo office has a new partner Madoka Hashimoto on board. Leveraging his extensive experience and wide client recognition in finance, capital markets, and general corporate matters, Madoka Hashimoto will work closely with all other partners in the Tokyo office to enhance the service capabilities of the team.
Continue Reading 金杜东京办公室迎来合伙人桥本圆,拓展在融资和资本市场等领域的综合实力 King & Wood Mallesons Tokyo office further strengthens its finance and capital market practice with the addition of partner Madoka Hashimoto