Managing Intellectual Property (MIP), the most authoritative and comprehensive international guide in the IP industry, announced recently that four of King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) partners, Zhu Nongfan, Wang Maohua, Shi Yusheng and Fred Liao, have been named its 2016 IP Stars. Through its survey on over 1,000 in-house practitioners all over the globe, a total of 99 Chinese IP practitioners have been selected as top IP lawyers.
- 竺农范律师作为金杜知识产权全球协调合伙人兼中国知识产权团队负责合伙人,一位客户对其“深谙中美两国知识产权法之间的区别”表示敬重,而另一位客户表示“竺律师充分了解美国企业在中国提起诉讼所面临的挑战,能够将问题化繁为简,并且善于沟通”。
- 客户评价王茂华律师“有问必答、勤勉同时拥有卓越的专业技能”。
- 史玉生律师“在知识产权诉讼领域,既是经验丰富的资深律师,又是杰出的战略顾问”。
- 同行称赞廖飞律师是“处理境内外商标业务经验丰富的商标律师”。
MIP comments on the four KWM partners:
- One client expressed his respect for Zhu Nongfan, global coordinator of Intellectual Property practice at KWM, and head partner of the China IP group for his “in-depth knowledge of the differences between the US and Chinese IP laws.” Another said: “Nongfan appreciates the challenges of taking action in China as a US company. He keeps issues simple and communicates well”.
- According to a client, Wang Maohua is a “responsive, diligent, and has excellent subject matter and procedural expertise”.
- Of Shi Yusheng, “a veteran and great strategic advisor on IP litigation”.
- A peer admires Fred Liao as “a very experienced trade mark lawyer who can handle both outbound and inbound trade mark work”.
《知识产权管理》每年进行深入调研并就提供知识产权方面法律服务的律所进行排名已有20年的历史。今年早期,金杜赢得《知识产权管理》“亚太年度最佳律所”大奖,并蝉联 “年度中国争议解决最佳律所”。同时再次被该媒体评为专利申请、专利诉讼、商标申请及商标诉讼四个业务领域的中国市场一等律所。
MIP has been researching and ranking IP firms for 20 years. Earlier this year, KWM has been named “Firm of the Year Asia Pacific” and “Firm of the Year – China Contentious” (for the second consecutive year) at the MIP Global Awards Ceremony, and was again ranked as Tier 1 in four categories, namely, patent prosecution, patent contentious, trade mark prosecution and trade mark contentious in China.
For details on MIP’s analysis of the firm’s IP practice, please click on the link.