作者:金杜律师事务所 King & Wood Mallesons
King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) acted for SkyCo International Financial Leasing Co. Ltd. (SkyCo), a rapidly growing Chinese leasing company partly owned by the Guangdong Airport Group, on the inaugural transaction by its Irish aircraft leasing platform. In conjunction with its offshore set-up, the transaction involved the acquisition of a portfolio of aircraft with leases attached to an Indonesian airline.
负责该项目的香港办公室顾问Tejaswi Nimmagadda表示,“金杜在协助中国租赁企业寻求国际化业务过程中能够为他们提供独特的视角。我们在全球飞机交易方面的丰富经验,结合我们为包括中国在内的各司法辖区提供综合法律服务的能力,以及我们的‘亚洲智慧(AQ)’,使我们能够提供无缝法律服务助力中国客户由国内业务向国际业务转变。”
Commenting on the transaction, Hong Kong based Counsel, Tejaswi Nimmagadda, who led the KWM team said, “KWM has a unique perspective to offer Chinese leasing companies looking to internationalise their business. Our track record on aircraft transactions globally, coupled with our ability to advise on a variety of legal jurisdiction laws including PRC, English and New York along with our “Asia Intelligence” (AQ), enable us to offer Chinese clients a seamless experience in transforming their domestic business into an international one.”
该项目的律师团队还包括Kelvin Zha, Yinny Liu及Darwin Goei。广州办公室合伙人赖江临和北京办公室合伙人马峰均提供大量协助。
Tejaswi Nimmagadda was assisted by Kelvin Zha, Yinny Liu and Darwin Goei, with support from Guangzhou Partner Lai Jianglin and Beijing Partner Ma Feng.