By Wu Qing King & Wood Mallesons’ Commercial & Regulatory group
金杜律师事务所作为Thomson Reuters环境法板块中国地区唯一合作律所,2016、2017、2018连续三年为其提供 “Environmental law and practice in China: overview”(下称“Q&A Guide”)。Q&A Guide是一份专门针对中国环境法律的指引,提供了对中国环境法律的高度概览,并且介绍了主要的环境实务问题,包括大气和水污染物排放,环境影响评价,固体废物和危险废物,土壤污染,以及交易中的环境问题等。金杜律师事务所每年都会结合最新出台的环境法律及环境监管趋势等内容,对Q&A Guide作出更新。目前2017/2018年度的Q&A Guide已更新,将以专题形式定期在金杜说法平台进行推送,旨在为企业提供对中国环境法律体系及实务的全方位指引。
To what extent are environmental non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other pressure groups active?
After implementation of the Environmental Protection Law on 1 January 2015, Chinese environmental NGOs are gradually becoming active. They participate in various activities, mainly including taking part in environmental public interest litigation, promoting formulation of environmental policies and legislation, and conducting public environmental education.
Environmental NGOs are playing a more important role in environmental public interest litigation than ever. More than ten environmental NGOs brought 48 lawsuits in 2015 and became a remarkable participant in public supervision.
Environmental NGOs also play an important role in promoting environmental legislation. Since 2014, some active environmental NGOs, such as China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation, and Friends of Nature, have devoted themselves to promoting legislation. This resulted in laws such as the:
- Environmental Protection Law.
- Wild Animal Conservation Law.
- Environmental Impact Assessment Law.
- Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control Law.
- Water Pollution Prevention Law.