中国专利法保护外观设计专利,在外观设计专利的无效、行政诉讼和民事侵权诉讼过程中,都需要进行涉案外观设计专利与专利无效证据或者被控侵权产品设计的比对,在比对过程中,总会出现一个概念 “一般消费者”,由“一般消费者”依照其知识水平和认知能力来进行评价并给出比对结果。
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Brief Analysis on Determination of Normal Consumer in Comparison of Design Patent
By King & Wood Mallesons on
Posted in Intellectual Property
The Chinese Patent Law protects design patents. In the proceedings of invalidation, administrative litigation and civil infringement litigation of a design patent, it is necessary to compare the design patent involved in a case with the evidence for invalidation of the patent or the design of an alleged infringing product. During the comparison, a concept of “normal consumer” always appears. The “normal consumer” will evaluate and give a result of the comparison according to his knowledge level and cognitive ability.
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