Continue Reading 金杜荣膺《中国法律商务》“最具创新力律师事务所”等 9项年度大奖
Continue Reading 金杜荣膺《中国法律商务》“最具创新力律师事务所”等 9项年度大奖
Continue Reading 金杜获33个奖项提名,“预赛”领跑《中国法律商务》2017年度中国法律大奖
作者:金杜律师事务所/ King & Wood Mallesons
King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) celebrated its 11 wins, including the Grand Prize: Firm of the Decade, at the annual China law & Practice (CLP) Awards, one of the most prestigious legal awards ceremonies in China, held in Beijing on 21st September. All research and selection were conducted by the editorial teams of ALM’s China Law & Practice, The Asian Lawyer/The American Lawyer and Legal Week. Winners were chosen based on their ability to incorporate novel and progressive legal structures, and their outstanding contributions to the legal reforms. KWM got top billing at the ceremony by winning the Firm of the Decade award granted this year for the first time.
Continue Reading 金杜获封《中国法律商务》“十年最佳律师事务所”等 11项年度大奖
King & Wood Mallesons collected a series of award wins at the annual China law & Practice (“CLP”) awards ceremony in Beijing, being recognized across a number of categories reflecting the firm’s innovation and leading performance.
Continue Reading 金杜揽获《中国法律商务》十项2015年度大奖 / King & Wood Mallesons wins Ten of China Law & Practice Awards 2015