
Continue Reading 金杜连续第五年获《商法》“年度卓越律所”及“年度卓越综合实力律所”双奖

作者:金杜律师事务所 King & Wood Mallesons


On 24 February 2017, China Business Law Journal (CBLJ) announced that King & Wood Mallesons (KWM)  won the Law Firm of the Year (China) and Best Overall PRC Law Firms awards for the 4th consecutive year. Additionally, KWM has been recognized for its market leading capability and expertise as the winner in nine categories, namely, competition & antitrust, anti-bribery & compliance, banking & finance, dispute resolution, energy & natural resources, real estate & REIT, restructuring & insolvency, structured finance & securitization, and taxation. 
Continue Reading 金杜四连冠《商法》“年度卓越律所”及“年度卓越综合实力律所”大奖