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作者Simon HolmesNaomi Inns   金杜律师事务所伦敦办公室






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作者:金杜律师事务所 King & Wood Mallesons

There is an argument that if Brexit were to happen, it is likely that the UK would remain part of Europe’s integrated gas and electricity markets, in the same way as Norway or Switzerland, using one mechanism or another.

Continue Reading “英国退欧”视频专访(字幕版):能源

作者:金杜律师事务所 Kiing & Wood Mallesons

Environmental policy has hardly been mentioned in the public debate on EU Membership so far, which is quite surprising as about 90 per cent of the UK’s environmental legislation comes from EU legislation. The EU has had a huge impact on the development of environmental policy and law in the UK over the past 40 years and has undoubtedly had a positive effect in making us clean up our act in areas like air pollution, water pollution and waste management, although some EU environmental laws have been criticised as burdensome red tape by some business sectors.

Continue Reading “英国退欧”视频专访(字幕版):环境

作者:金杜律师事务所 King & Wood Mallesons

At the moment, a range of Financial Services businesses such as banks, insurance companies and asset managers are able to operate across the EU as long as they have a base in the UK. This is known as passporting.


However, if Brexit occurs, passporting into the EU from the UK would not be possible unless special arrangements are put in place. Banks from outside the EU would no longer be free to just set up in the London and gain access to the wider market in the EU. To continue to maintain operations across Europe they would need to set up subsidiaries across mainland Europe in places like France, Germany, Amsterdam and Dublin, potentially, so those cities would actually benefit from taking away financial services from the UK.

Continue Reading “英国退欧”视频专访(字幕版):金融服务

作者:金杜律师事务所 King & Wood Mallesons

So, Mr Cameron has now been to Brussels, he has spoken to the other 27 member states and he has walked away with what he describes as a very good deal, particularly a very good deal in relation to the Financial Services Centre that is London.

Continue Reading “英国退欧”视频专访(字幕版):金融服务监管

作者:金杜律师事务所 King & Wood Mallesons

Opportunities presented by economy changing digital technologies are vast.


Does being in a block of 28 countries working together to reap the benefits in this sector give the UK a significant advantage, or could the UK just as easily achieve these benefits all on its own?
Continue Reading “英国退欧”视频专访(字幕版):数字技术与电信

作者:金杜律师事务所 King & Wood Mallesons

The debate about Brexit would be incomplete without considering the data protection and privacy implications.


Many UK businesses feel constrained by European data protection laws, which restrict the way in which they can handle personal data. However, it’s a key issue for many voters, who value their privacy in an increasingly digital world.

Continue Reading “英国退欧”视频专访(字幕版):数据保护

作者:金杜律师事务所 King & Wood Mallesons

The member states of the European Union have always kept close control over their own tax systems but even so, Europe has had a huge influence over the UK tax system ever since it started and that is going to raise the question of what would happen if the UK did leave the EU. Would we see huge tax changes in the UK?

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