By Gonzalo Olivera and Alberto Artés King & Wood Mallesons’ Madrid office.

Description of domestic sector

1. Describe the domestic natural gas sector, including the natural gas production, liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage, pipeline transportation, distribution, commodity sales and trading segments and retail sales and usage.

Spain is a renowned gas importer, with less than 1 per cent of the gas consumed within the country coming from domestic production. Spain received natural gas from 11 different countries in 2015, Algeria being the main supplier (55 per cent) followed by France (13 per cent), Qatar (9 per cent) and Nigeria (8 per cent).
Continue Reading Gas Regulation 2017:Spain


作为Euromoney集团在亚洲的权威法律排名机构,《亚洲法律概况》(Asialaw Profiles)在11月15日发布了最新的2017年度榜单。金杜律师事务所的18个领先业务领域及26名领先律师跻身该榜单。在被评为领先律所的18个业务领域中,有11个业务领域获“杰出团队”的排名,其他7个业务领域分获“特别推荐”及“推荐”排名;同时,26名金杜各领域合伙人荣登 “领先律师”榜单。

Continue Reading 喜报频传:金杜18个领先业务领域 26名领先律师跻身最新《亚洲法律概况》2017榜单


备受关注的《法律500强》(The Legal 500)亚太地区排名于近日公布,金杜中国、澳洲、香港、新加坡办公室共有27个业务领域被评为“顶级律所”,21个业务领域得到重点推荐,133名合伙人获得重点推荐,其中57名合伙人被评为“领先律师”,另外12名合伙人获评“新一代律师”。
Continue Reading 2017《法律500强》亚太排名出炉 金杜中国12个业务领域49名律师入榜