In the top ten patent reexamination & invalidation cases of 2020 announced by the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), three are related to mechanical technologies. According to the CNIPA, these cases were selected for their guiding value in certain topics typical for patent examination, as well as the considerable social attention focused on them. The opinions reflected in the Decisions of these cases would undoubtedly impose great influence on the practices of both substantial examination and invalidation, and can be cited as supporting reference or evidence to benefit similar cases. Therefore, we summarize below the case brief and typical significance of these cases.
Continue Reading Introduction to 2020 Top Ten Patent Reexamination/Invalidation Cases (Mechanical)
2020 Top Ten Patent Reexamination/Invalidation Cases
Introduction to 2020 Top Ten Patent Reexamination/Invalidation Cases (Electrical)
By King & Wood Mallesons on
Posted in Intellectual Property
Amongst the top 10 cases, three are related to electrical technologies and we summarize below the case brief and introduce the focus of the three invalidation cases of electrical inventions.
Continue Reading Introduction to 2020 Top Ten Patent Reexamination/Invalidation Cases (Electrical)