作者:肖马克 赵新华 洪家伟 金杜律师事务所公司证券部


自动驾驶汽车的市场前景潜力巨大,这一点已不言而喻。2017年3月3日, 领先的汽车市场情报公司IHS Markit发布了最新的高级驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)应用和传感器报告[1]。该报告指出,全球ADAS市场预计将呈现爆发式增长,在2022年将超过3.02亿单元——这一数字将比2016年增长近200%。这种增长主要是由传感器技术的进步所推动,这些技术可以和现有技术结合起来提供更好的自动驾驶性能,包括现有车辆的后装ADAS解决方案。

Continue Reading 中国:ADAS到自动驾驶——征途已开“驶”

By Mark Schaub,  Atticus Zhao, David Hong  King & Wood Mallesons’ Corporate & Securities group

schaub_mThe move towards self-driving cars is relentless and China as the world’s largest auto market and a leader in internet technologies wants to be at the cutting edge of this revolution.

That self-driving cars is a huge potential market seems clear. On March 3, 2017, IHS Markit, the leading automobile market intelligence firm, published its latest Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) Applications and Sensors Report[1]. This report noted that the global ADAS market is set to explode and surpass 302 million units annually in 2022 – which would be a nearly 200% increase over the 2016 numbers. This growth is mostly driven by advances in sensors technology that can be combined to provide better automated driving and includes aftermarket ADAS solutions for existing vehicles.
Continue Reading China: ADAS to Self-driving Cars – The Journey Starts