admissibility and independence of expert witnesses

By He Wei  King & Wood Mallesons’ Dispute Resolution Group

I.    Introduction

Although Chinese enterprises are often engaged in disputes arising out of international fertilizer transactions, generally a large number of these enterprises are struggling, since they are unacquainted with international dispute resolution mechanisms, and the numerous highly technical issues that are involved in relevant international sale contracts. However, in January 2009, a Chinese fertilizer company obtained the first ever victory in offshore arbitration, in which expert witnesses played an important role.Continue Reading The First Victory for PRC Fertilizer Enterprises in Offshore Arbitration

作者:何薇  金杜律师事务所争议解决

一、    前言

由于不熟悉国际贸易争议解决机制,并且国际化肥买卖合同中往往涉及诸多专业性较强的技术问题,很多中国企业在解决此类国际贸易纠纷时举步维艰。然而,2009年1月,中国某化肥类企业首次在境外仲裁中取得胜诉。在该案中,专家证人的证言成为决定性因素。Continue Reading 首例中国化肥业”走出去”案件在境外仲裁中取得胜诉