By Susan Ning and Hazel Yin

August 1, 2012 marks the fourth anniversary of China’s Anti-Monopoly Law (“AML”). 1 With only 57 articles, the AML introduces a series of new regimes governing not only transactions but also day-to-day operations of domestic and foreign companies.  This article presents an overview of how the AML has been implemented so far, with particular focus on the latest development, and where it may go in the near future.   

Merger Control

The Ministry of Commerce (“MOFCOM”) is responsible for reviewing concentration of undertakings that trigger a certain turnover thresholds. 
Continue Reading China’s Anti-Monopoly Law: Retrospect and Prospect on the Fourth Anniversary

作者:宁宣凤   尹冉冉    金杜律师事务所反垄断组



经营者集中在达到一定营业额标准后,需提交商务部进行经营者集中的反垄断审查。自2008年8月1 日以来,商务部累计审查逾450起交易,其中95%以上的交易获得无条件批准。截至2012年8月1日,商务部已附条件批准14起交易,禁止1起(可口可乐收购汇源)。Continue Reading 中国反垄断法实施四周年回顾与展望