By Justin Lo, Alan Zhang and Alice Leung, King & Wood Mallesons’ Hong Kong Office

The growth in cross-border investment has led to more complex relationships between commercial parties, particularly where foreign elements are involved. Commercial parties are increasingly choosing international arbitration as the means to resolve their disputes.

For parties considering arbitration in the Asia Pacific Region, Hong Kong is an attractive arbitral venue for a number of reasons.

Independent and robust legal system

Hong Kong’s legal system is based on the rule of law, independence of the judiciary and preserves the common law. The World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report for 2013 and 2014 ranked Hong Kong number four in terms of judicial independence out of 148 jurisdictions, ahead of the UK, the US, Singapore and many members states of the European Union.

Hong Kong’s legal professionals are fully experienced and capable of providing clients with diversified professional legal advice and related services. Arbitrators in Hong Kong are regarded as independent and highly experienced in dealing with cross border commercial disputes. As such, Hong Kong is seen as a more attractive arbitration hub for domestic and foreign parties to resolve their disputes.
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