By Susan Ning, Zhifeng Chai, Weiqing Qiu and Lingbo Wei King & Wood Mallesons’ Commercial & Regulatory Group

Iuntitlednchai_zhifeng recent years, there is an increasing awareness among companies to notify the concentration of business operators before the closing of transaction to ensure the antitrust compliance. By summarizing and analyzing related merger control data of the first quarter in 2016, we hope the below article could provide an overview of the recent merger control enforcement in China.

According to the notice published on official website of Ministry of Commerce of P.R.C. (“MOFCOM”) on April 6, MOFCOM has cleared 81 cases without imposing additional conditions during the first quarter of 2016. The number of cases is increased by 30.6%, when compared with the number of cases cleared during the same period of 2015.
Continue Reading A Review of MOFCOM’s Merger Control Enforcement in the First Quarter of 2016