By Banking Team King & Wood Mallesons
The China Banking Regulatory Commission (“CBRC”) jointly with three other government departments promulgated the CBRC Guidance Opinions on the Use of Secure and Controllable Technology to Strengthen the Internet Security and Information Construction of Banking Industry (YINJIANFA (2014) No. 39, the “CBRC Opinion”) on 3 September 2014. The Guidelines on Promoting the Use of Secure and Controllable Technology in Banking Industry (2014-2015) (YINJIANBANFA (2014) No. 317, the “CBRC Guidelines”) were later issued on 26 December 2014, as the detailed implementing rules of the CBRC Opinion. Targeting to improve the information security in the banking sector and in a larger sense, the financial security of China, the CBRC Opinion and the CBRC Guidelines (collectively, the “New Rules”) require that banks, within a specific timeframe, achieve a series of fixed targets in relation to applying “secure and controllable” IT products. This may have a significant impact on China’s banking industry and thus have already fuelled concerns in the market.
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