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Exporters of the World Rejoice – PRC Customs issues e-commerce reprieve
By King & Wood Mallesons on
Posted in International Trade & WTO
By Mark Schaub and Chen Bing King & Wood Mallesons’ Corporate Securities Group
In recent months there has been great concern, indeed bordering on panic, in some quarters arising from the issuance of dramatic but vague PRC cross-border e-commerce rules that were issued in April 2016.
However, the PRC authorities have now addressed, at least to some extent, most of the major pressing concerns on 24 May 2016 when the General Administration of Customs of PRC (“PRC Customs”) issued a Circular on Relevant Matters Concerning Implementation of New Supervision Requirements on Cross-border E-commerce Retail Imports (“Circular”).Continue Reading Exporters of the World Rejoice – PRC Customs issues e-commerce reprieve