international commercial dispute resolution

作者:张守志 胡科 徐贝贝  金杜律师事务所争议解决


两起案件的基本情况如下:Continue Reading 境外仲裁裁决作出后的和解

By Zhang Shouzhi Hu Ke and Xu Beibei    King & Wood Mallesons’ Dispute Resoution Group

A final arbitral award is the final and binding conclusion of the substantial dispute submitted to arbitration by the parties. It defines the winner and the loser of the game. In few occasions would the parties be willing to settle their disputes after an award has been rendered. However, settlement is still a wise choice when the disputed amount is huge, and the parties still have the will.

In 2011, we assisted 2 separate clients in negotiating amicable settlements after the arbitral awards were rendered in offshore arbitrations. We provide below a brief description of the two cases:Continue Reading Post-Award Settlement for International Arbitration