Ltd. et. al. v. Robinson Helicopter Co.

作者:叶渌  葛焱 金杜律师事务所争议解决


除了离婚和抚养权判决,很少有中国法院做出的判决能够在美国得到执行。因此,在湖北葛洲坝三联公司诉美国罗宾逊直升机公司(06-01798 (C.D. Cal 2009))(“三联案件”)一案中,美国地区法院法官Florence-Marie Cooper判定美国罗宾逊直升机公司,这家位于加利福尼亚洲托伦斯的飞机制造商,执行中国湖北省高院做出的赔偿近650万美元的判决,产生了十分重大的意义。

2011年3月29日,在美国联邦上诉法院第九巡回法庭上巡回法官Rymer, Callahan, Ikuta 维持原判,这是首例确认中国法院判决在美国的执行效力的美国上诉法院的判决。Continue Reading 湖北葛洲坝三联案件—-中国的金钱判决在美国执行

By Ariel Ye and Ge Yan  King & Wood Mallesons Dispute Resolution Group


With the exception of judgments dealing with divorce and custodial issues, it is rare for those issued by Chinese courts to be enforced in the United States. Therefore, it was a significant development when, in the matter of Hubei Gezhouba Sanlian Industrial Co., Ltd. et. al. v. Robinson Helicopter Co., Inc., 06-01798 (C.D. Cal 2009) (the “Sanlian Case”), United States District Court Judge Florence-Marie Cooper decided to enforce a monetary judgment of almost US $6.5 million awarded by the Higher People’s Court of Hubei Province, China, (the “Hubei Higher Court”) against Robinson Helicopter Company, an aircraft manufacturer based in Torrance, California (“Robinson”).

On 29 March 2011, the judgment was affirmed by circuit Judges Rymer, Callahan and Ikuta of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. This is the first ever United States appellate ruling that affirms enforcement of a PRC court judgment in the United States.Continue Reading The Hubei Gezhouba Sanlian Case: Enforcement of a Chinese Monetary Judgment in the United States