2018年2月6日,在《知识产权管理》(MIP)最新发布的2018年全球商标事务所排名榜单中,金杜律师事务所以在商标申请和商标争议解决两个领域的卓越表现,再次被评为这两个领域的第一等事务所, 再次彰显金杜商标团队的雄厚实力和稳定的市场领先优势。
Continue Reading 金杜商标团队蝉联《知识产权管理》和《世界商标评论1000强》全部类别第一等排名
2018年2月6日,在《知识产权管理》(MIP)最新发布的2018年全球商标事务所排名榜单中,金杜律师事务所以在商标申请和商标争议解决两个领域的卓越表现,再次被评为这两个领域的第一等事务所, 再次彰显金杜商标团队的雄厚实力和稳定的市场领先优势。
Continue Reading 金杜商标团队蝉联《知识产权管理》和《世界商标评论1000强》全部类别第一等排名
By King & Wood Mallesons
The Managing Intellectual Property (MIP), one of the most authoritative media in the world’s intellectual property (IP) sector, recently announced its 2017 patent and trademark firm rankings, in which, King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) was consecutively recognized as a Tier 1 firm in patent prosecution, patent contentious, trade mark prosecution and trade mark contentious in China based on the firm’s comprehensive leading strength in such areas. This result makes KWM again the only Chinese firm ranked as Tier 1 in the four categories since 2016.
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Continue Reading 金杜再度成为唯一揽获《知识产权管理》专利商标四个第一等排名的中国事务所
By King & Wood Mallesons
10 March 2016, King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) won two of the biggest awards, Firm of the Year Asia Pacific and Firm of the Year – China Contentious (in the continuously second year) at the Managing IP Global Awards 2016 Ceremony. In addition to the two big awards, KWM IP…
近日,国际知名知识产权媒体《知识产权管理》杂志(Managing Intellectual Property)公布了2016年商标业务全球事务所年度排行榜 (IP Stars 2016 Trade Mark Rankings),金杜分别在商标争议(Contentious)及非争议(prosecution)业务排名中荣获中国区第一梯队(Tier 1)荣誉。
Continue Reading 金杜商标业务同时入选MIP及WTR两大国际权威媒体中国事务所2016年度排名顶级梯队