
自2009年7月跨境贸易人民币结算试点工作启动以来,相关业务的容量、复杂性及银行业务经历了飞速的发展。在2年的时间内,试点范围在20多个省(区、市)得以实施,中国人民银行计划在今年内将试点范围扩大至全国。为满足企业和银行对政策透明度的强烈需求,外汇管理局、商务部等监管当局已经颁布了一系列的规则和指引以促进人民币跨境业务。2011年6月8日,中国人民银行颁布了《中国人民银行关于明确跨境人民币业务相关问题的通知》(银发[2011]145号)(简称“通知”)。该《通知》从积极的角度阐明了与跨境人民币业务相关的若干重大问题。迄今为止,该《通知》被市场称为“实现人民币国际化的重大进步”。 Continue Reading 中国人民银行新规则助推人民币跨境业务

By King & Wood’s Banking Group

Since the launch of the pilot program of RMB settlement in cross-border trade transactions in July 2009, the volume and complexity of the said transactions and the ancillary banking businesses have been rapidly increasing. During the past two years, the pilot program was carried out in 20 provincial regions. PBOC plans to expand the pilot program to the whole country within this year. In order to satisfy business and banking industry’s strong needs for policy transparency, regulatory authorities such as SAFE and MOFCOM have issued various rules and guidelines aiming to streamline cross-border flows of RMB. On June 8, 2011, PBOC published a most recent circular (1)("Circular") which clarifies several major issues relating to cross-border RMB transactions. Industry feedback regarding the Circular has been positive and the Circular has been interpreted as "a significant step towards the internationalization of RMB" by the market.Continue Reading PBOC New Rules to Boost RMB Cross-border Transactions