tradeamrk protection name right protection Michael Jordan vs. Qiaodan Sportswear Co.

By King & Wood Mallesons’ Trademark Group

According to the statement dated as of March 1, 2012 issued by a representative for Michael Jordan, the suit filed by former NBA basketball legend Michael Jordan against a Chinese sportswear and shoe manufacturer Qiaodan Sportswear Co., Ltd., whose trade name and trademark 乔丹 is equivalent to the commonly used Chinese translation for Jordan, has been accepted by court in China. The specific claims of the suit remain a myth presently.

Subsequent to the above statement, Michael Jordan also released another statement:Continue Reading Michael Jordan vs. Qiaodan Sportswear Co., Ltd Lawsuit Accepted



该书面文件显示的日期为3月1日,内容提及法院已受理迈克尔•乔丹对乔丹体育提起的诉讼。同时,迈克尔•乔丹在一份声明中表示:“我很高兴,中国法院受理了我的诉讼,以保护我的姓名权和中国消费者的利益。乔丹体育未经授权使用我的中文名字、球衣号码23号、甚至试图用我孩子的名字从事经营活动。我认为中国消费者的权益应当受到保护、不应被误导,他们应该对其购买的商品具有清楚的知情权。我采取这一行动旨在保护我的姓名权和品牌。任何人均有权保护自己的姓名权。对于本案的受理,说明中国认可姓名权是每个人应有的权利。”Continue Reading 乔丹告乔丹体育诉讼获受理