
历时三年之久的麒麟协和食品株式会社与陈某某、王某商标权转让合同纠纷一案日前终于一审审理终结。原告麒麟协和食品株式会社是“可得然”中文商标的商标权人,由上海欧卡内实业有限公司(“欧卡内公司”)代理其在中国销售可得然胶。2006年3月,被告欧卡内公司法定代表人陈某某向国家商标局抢先申请注册“可得然”的英文译音“CURDLAN”商标。双方于2007年签订《商标权转让合同》,约定被告将“CURDLAN”商标以2000美元的价格转让给原告。2008年5月,国家商标局以“转让人使用的签字与以前在商标局办理商标事宜时使用的签字明显不符”为由,要求原告补充提供转让人的身份证件(复印件)以及经公证的转让人同意转让的声明,因被告一直未予提供,导致商标局对“CURDLAN”商标转让不予核准,原告诉诸法院。Continue Reading 麒麟协和食品株式会社商标权转让合同纠纷一案

King & Wood’s Trademark Group

After a three-year trial, the case of Kirin Kyowa Foods Co., Ltd. vs. Chen and Wang over a trademark assignment contract has currently been decided by the first instance. Kirin Kyowa Foods Co., Ltd. (the "Plaintiff"), as the proprietor of the trademark "可得然", appointed Shanghai Aucane Enterprise Co., Ltd. ("Aucane") as its sales agent for gelatine bearing the "可得然" trademark. In March 2006, Chen (the "Defendant"), the legal representative of Aucane, preemptively filed an application for registration of "CURDLAN", which is the English equivalent of the "可得然" trademark at the China Trademark Office (the "TMO"). In 2007, both parties signed a Trademark Assignment Contract (the "Contract"), requiring the Defendant to assign the trademark "CURDLAN" to the Plaintiff at the price of US$2,000. In May 2008, the TMO took office action on the grounds that "the assignor’s signature is evidently inconsistent with the one filed with the TMO in the past", and required the Plaintiff to provide a copy of the assignor’s ID card and its notarized statement of agreement on the said trademark assignment. However, the Defendant failed to provide any of the above materials, causing the TMO to refuse the assignment of "CURDLAN", and thus the Plaintiff appealed to the court.

Continue Reading Trademark Assignment Dispute Over “CURDLAN” — Kirin Kyowa Foods Co., Ltd. vs. Chen and Wang