By Susan Ning and Liu Jia

On 31 October 2011, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) publicly announced the eighth conditional merger clearance since the enactment of the Anti-monopoly Law (AML) in 2008.  According to its announcement1 , the review process lasted for 3.5 months starting from 14 July 2011 when the notification was submitted to MOFCOM. 

Set forth below is a chart outlining the review process.






According to the announcement, during the review process, MOFCOM sought opinions from the following third parties: government agencies, trade associations, competitors, downstream undertakings and industry experts.

For a more detailed analysis of MOFCOM’s decision, please see our article entitled MOFCOM’s 8th Conditional Clearance – Alpha V/Savio Deal.

1A copy of MOFCOM’s Announcement [2011] No. 73 could be found here (in Chinese):