CFIUS is stepping up its investigations into deals that were closed without a CFIUS filing. Chinese investors should self-assess their existing investments and make a judgment as to the risk of a post-closing CFIUS investigation.
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merger control
A Review of MOFCOM’s Merger Control Enforcement in the First Quarter of 2016
By Susan Ning, Zhifeng Chai, Weiqing Qiu and Lingbo Wei King & Wood Mallesons’ Commercial & Regulatory Group
In recent years, there is an increasing awareness among companies to notify the concentration of business operators before the closing of transaction to ensure the antitrust compliance. By summarizing and analyzing related merger control data of the first quarter in 2016, we hope the below article could provide an overview of the recent merger control enforcement in China.
According to the notice published on official website of Ministry of Commerce of P.R.C. (“MOFCOM”) on April 6, MOFCOM has cleared 81 cases without imposing additional conditions during the first quarter of 2016. The number of cases is increased by 30.6%, when compared with the number of cases cleared during the same period of 2015.
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Developments to the Merger Control Regime in China: MOFCOM’s Provisions on Imposing Additional Restrictive Conditions on Concentrations of Business Operators (for Trial Implementation)
By Susan Ning, Hazel Yin, Al Wu, Sarah Eder and Lingbo Wei King & Wood Mallesons’ Antitrust Group
On 4 December 2014, the Provisions of the Ministry of Commerce on Imposing Additional Restrictive Conditions on the Concentration of Business Operators (for Trial Implementation) (hereinafter the “Provisions of Restrictive Conditions”) was officially enacted by the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China (MOFCOM), based on its 2013 draft version (hereinafter the “2013 Draft Provisions”). Restrictive conditions in merger reviews are also referred to as “merger remedies”. Pursuant to Articles 28 and 29 of the Anti-monopoly Law (hereinafter “AML”), where a concentration of business operators will or may eliminate or restrict competition, MOFCOM may decide to attach restrictive conditions to its clearance decision in order to reduce the adverse impacts on competition. MOFCOM has given conditional clearance in 24 cases since AML came into effect. Given that the imposition of restrictive conditions on proposed transactions may impact heavily on the parties and the nature of the transaction, even altering the relevant market and development of the relevant industry, the publication of the Provisions of Restrictive Conditions will be of great significance not only to the merger review process, but also to the business decisions of the relevant companies.
The Provisions of Restrictive Conditions came into effect on 5 January 2015. At the same time, MOFCOM’s Interim Regulations on Implementing the Divestiture of Assets or Businesses in Concentrations of Business Operators dated 5 July 2010 (hereinafter “the Regulations on Divestiture”), were repealed. The Provisions of Restrictive Conditions will become an important reference point for the enforcement of restrictive conditions. The Provisions of Restrictive Conditions contain 7 chapters addressing restrictive covenants, including when such covenants will be imposed, the mechanisms for supervising their implementation, the consequences of failing to comply, the procedure for amending them and when the obligations will come to an end .
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Continue Reading 商务部在简易程序制度建设上迈出的重要一步:实施简易案件适用标准
MOFCOM Takes a Major Step towards a Simplified Merger Control Procedure by Promulgating the Standards for Simple Cases
By Susan Ning, Hazel Yin and Zheng Ziqing King & Wood Mallesons’ Antitrust & Competition Group
On February 11, 2014, China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) published the long-awaited Interim Provisions on the Standards for Simple Cases of Concentrations of Operators (the Provisions), which came into effect on February 12, 2014. The Provisions set forth the substantive criteria for determining which case may be treated as a simple case, yet the procedural rules are still missing. This article provides an analysis of the standards, discusses how the Provisions will change the current review process and explores the reasons for the lack of procedural rules.
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Continue Reading 中国经营者集中审查及附条件执法五年综述
Review of Merger Control and Merger Remedies Regime in China: From 2008-2013
By Susan Ning, Hazel Yin, Ziqing Zheng, Kailun Ji
August 1st, 2008 marks the fifth anniversary of China’s Anti-Monopoly Law (“AML”). Along with debates and controversies, the AML is gradually taking root and has contributed to shaping the economic landscape and competition status in China.
During the past 5 years, the Ministry of Commerce (“MOFCOM”), the authority in charge of merger control, has cleared more than 640 cases, including 19 cases that were cleared with conditions and 1 case that was denied.1 MOFCOM has been making continuous progress in improving its enforcement capabilities, which are highlighted by the increasingly mature merger remedy regime. This article presents an overview of the merger control regime, in particular the merger remedies regime in China from the perspective of practitioners.
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The Anti-Monopoly Law of China: What We Have Seen in 2012?
By Susan Ning, Hazel Yin and Yunlong Zhang
The year 2012 marks the fifth year of the enactment and implementation of China’s Anti-Monopoly Law (“AML”). Over the past year, we have witnessed substantial progress of the merger control regime and antitrust administrative investigations, in particular in the area of cartel investigations. With the promulgation of judicial interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court, antitrust civil litigations are also picking up. As the Year of Dragon is coming to an end, we present this article with an overview of how the AML has been implemented in the past year, together with our observations.
I. Merger Control
The Ministry of Commerce (“MOFCOM”), the authority in charge of merger control review, maintained a similar caseload in 2012 compared to 2011 and has been gradually establishing its international reputation as one of the most important antitrust authorities.
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MOFCOM cleared Joint Venture between ARM, Giesecke & Devrient and Gemalto with Conditions
By Susan Ning, Ji Kailun and Hazel Yin
On December 6th, 2012, the Ministry of Commerce (“MOFCOM“) cleared the proposed establishment of a joint venture (“JV“) by ARM Holdings plc (“ARM“), a UK semiconductor intellectual property (“IP“) supplier, Giesecke & Devrient GmbH (“G&D“) and Gemalto NV (“Gemalto“), both providers of security solutions, with behavioral conditions. This marks the third conditional clearance of JVs issued by MOFCOM. The JV will be engaged in providing security solutions named trusted execution environments (“TEE“) for consumer electronic devices. Continue Reading MOFCOM cleared Joint Venture between ARM, Giesecke & Devrient and Gemalto with Conditions
MOFCOM Approved Wal-Mart’s Acquisition of Controlling Stake in Yihaodian but Said NO to VIE Structure
By Susan Ning,Hazel YIN,and Han WU
Continue Reading MOFCOM Approved Wal-Mart’s Acquisition of Controlling Stake in Yihaodian but Said NO to VIE Structure