By King & Wood Mallesons
2016年4月29日,浙江哈尔斯真空器皿股份有限公司(简称“哈尔斯”,股票代码:002615)在金杜律师事务所专业法律团队的协助下,通过其香港全资子公司以现金收购的方式受让SIGG Switerland Bottles AG (简称“SIGG”)的全部资产,交易规模达1610万瑞士法郎(约1687.4万美元)。本项目是国内真空器皿行业首单民营企业跨国并购交易。
29 April, 2016, King & Wood Mallesons advised Zhejiang Haers Vacuum Containers Co., Ltd. (Haers, stock code: 002615) on acquiring 100% assets of SIGG Switerland Bottles AG (SIGG) for CHF 16.1 million (around US$16.874 million) in cash through its wholly-owned subsidiary in Hong Kong. The transaction marks the first cross-border M&A by a private enterprise in China’s vacuum containers industry.
哈尔斯是一家主要从事日用不锈钢真空器皿的研发设计、生产与销售的上市公司。 SIGG是欧洲市场水壶制造的领先品牌。本次收购是哈尔斯迈向国际化的重大举措,收购完成后哈尔斯不仅拥有了国际著名高端水具品牌及其全球推广渠道,同时开启了哈尔斯发力全球市场的新篇章。
Haers is a listed company mainly engaged in the research and development, design, manufacture and sales of daily stainless steel vacuum containers. SIGG is a leading drinking bottle manufacturer in the European market. The M&A transaction is Haers’ major step towards its globalization, which not only enables Haers to enjoy SIGG’s internationally renowned drinking bottle brand and its global promotion channels, but also opens up the global markets to Haers’ own-brand products.
Acting as the PRC legal counsel for the acquirer, KWM has advised on and led every stage in the transaction. The responsible partners for the project are Zhang Mingyuan and Zhao Xiaohong.