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crossing borders
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China is enhancing regulations on Cross-Border Investigations
This article aims to present Chinese laws, rules and principles related to cross-border investigations, and to help enterprises to better understand, from a Chinese law perspective, the legal framework and respond appropriately when facing investigations conducted by foreign governments.
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Continue Reading 618特辑|跨境电商支付新政策合规要点简析
White-Collar Offences: Managing International Investigations
With the recent pandemic and shifting political and economic conditions, Chinese companies, as they continue to grow internationally in size and stature, have had to deal with the complexities of managing an international conglomerate. Part of this has involved dealing with cross-border corporate misconduct across different jurisdictions. In this article, we share some practical guidance based on recent case experience on how to structure, plan and manage international white-collar offence investigations.
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“买全球 卖全球”再迈新步伐 ——跨境电商零售进口药品试点落地河南的相关政策浅析
Continue Reading “买全球 卖全球”再迈新步伐 ——跨境电商零售进口药品试点落地河南的相关政策浅析
China’s digital RMB – is your business ready?
China’s launch of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) has become a question of when and not if. The more important question for businesses is: how do I get ready for a digital RMB? After all, digitising the currency of the world’s most populous nation and second largest economy may well be one of the most important changes to the financial system since China invented paper money more than one thousand years ago. …
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Continue Reading 国际法律立场新动态——违约金
An update on international legal positions——Liquidated damages
In cross-border transactions, parties commonly insert a “liquidated damages” clause in their contracts. Such a clause clearly stipulates the amount of damages that the defaulting party shall pay if the contract is breached. The purpose is to deter parties from breaching the contract and to allow parties to contractually pre-agree on a measure of damages that may be difficult to prove once incurred, thereby providing parties with certainty and allowing parties to expedite the process of recouping losses.
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Continue Reading 《阻断外国法律与措施不当域外适用办法》解读