作者:金杜律师事务所 King & Wood Mallesons
上海健耕医药科技股份有限公司(简称“健耕医药”)在金杜律师事务所跨境法律团队的协助下,成功收购设立于美国特拉华州的Lifeline Scientific, Inc. (简称“LSI”),交易规模约8,700万美元,约合人民币5.8亿元,成为首单中国企业收购并私有化在英国上市的美国企业项目。
King & Wood Mallesons’ (KWM) cross-border team has advised Shanghai Genext Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. (SGM) on its successful acquisition of Lifeline Scientific, Inc. (LSI), a company incorporated in the State of Delaware, the US. It is the first transaction in which a Chinese enterprise acquired a UK-listed US company with a total of US$87 million, equivalent to approximately RMB580 million.
Continue Reading 金杜助力健耕医药成功收购英上市美企Lifeline Scientific