On 11 April 2019, the US Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) issued a Final Rule (84 FR 14608) adding fifty companies to the Unverified List (UVL).  The UVL is a list of foreign persons or entities, who are parties to a transaction involving a US export, re-export or in-country transfer of US goods or technology, and whose “bona fides” or legitimacy the BIS has not been able to confirm through an end-user check.
2019年4月11日,美国商务部工业安全局(“工业安全局”)作出了一项最终裁定(裁定文书索引号为84 FR 14608),将五十家公司列入未经验证名单。被列入这类名单的外国个人或实体,是在美国出口、再出口、或在国内转让美国货物或技术的交易的参与方,工业安全局无法通过最终用户核查来证实这些个人或实体的“善意”或合法性。
Continue Reading US Trade News: 37 Chinese Companies Placed on Department of Commerce Unverified List 美国商务部将37家中国内地公司列入未经验证名单