​By Isabel Rodriguez King & Wood Mallesons’ Madrid office.

Directive 2011/61/EU, on Alternative Investment Fund Managers (“AIFMD,” hereinafter the “Directive“) entered into force on July 22, 2011, with a deadline for transposition by the Member States of July 22, 2013. This Directive was transposed into Spanish law by virtue of Law 22/2014 of November 12, which also amended Law 25/2005, governing the former legal framework for private equity.

Despite foreseeable initial concerns regarding the new legal framework, it is safe to say that, in general, the market has been able to easily adapt to the new rules. However, certain inefficiencies requiring correction have become clear, several of which are based on a lack of consistency in application of the regulations by each Member State, and others which are based on mere technical defects in the relevant regulations.
Continue Reading The Regulatory Framework in Perspective: Questions under Review

作者: Nathalie Duguay, Tim Dolan, Ed Hall 及 Christian Schatz 金杜律师事务所法国及伦敦分所

Nathalie DuguayTim Dolan尚存争议的《另类投资基金管理人指令》(AIFMD)对在欧盟境内经营的私募股权基金和对冲基金管理人进行监管,并向经充分授权且符合AIFMD严格规定的管理人授予 “通行权”,使其可以在欧盟28个成员国管理和向专业投资人销售基金。获得“通行权”并不意味着通行无阻,例如,很多国家要求,使用通行权在该国境内销售基金前,管理人须首先注册并支付费用。但是,对于希望获得欧盟各成员国投资人资金的管理人,通行权无疑使募资更容易。
