By Zhang Shouzhi  He Wei  Chen Jun and Hu Ke   King & Wood Mallesons’ Dispute  Resolution & Litigation Group

張守志何薇On November 14, 2014, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade revised and adopted the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission Arbitration Rules (2015) ( the “2015 Arbitration Rules”), which revised the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission Arbitration Rules (2012) ( the “2012 Arbitration Rules”, effective as of May 1, 2012). The 2015 Arbitration Rules shall go into effect as of January 1, 2015.
Continue Reading CIETAC issued the 2015 Arbitration Rules

作者:叶渌  罗必成  金杜律师事务所争议解决



即使执行程序开始之前,裁决债务人仍有机会阻止裁决债权人采取救济措施:对仲裁裁决提出异议的常见的方式是向仲裁委员会所在地的法院申请撤销裁决。Continue Reading 我能否在此饮茶在别处享用我的点心—-已被撤销的仲裁裁决能否在其他管辖中得以执行?

By Ariel Ye and James Rowland   King & Wood Mallesons’ Dispute Resolution Group

I.        Challenging the award in the place of arbitration

Achieving a favorable arbitral award is sometimes the easy part of the dispute resolution process. Where the successful party is awarded money damages and the unsuccessful party resists payment, the successful party will still need to take further steps to actually obtain the money awarded. Each step will present the unsuccessful party with another opportunity to resist or delay payment.

Even before arriving at enforcement proceedings, there is a threshold opportunity for the award debtor to prevent the award creditor from securing its remedy: by challenging the award, usually in an ‘action to set aside’, before the national courts in the place of arbitration.Continue Reading Should Arbitral Awards That Have Been Set Aside Be Enforced in a Different Jurisdiction?

By Meg Utterback and Linda Davinson King & Wood’s Dispute Resolution Group

On January 1, 2012, the new International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Arbitration rules (the "new ICC rules") came into effect (the last major revision of the ICC rules occurred in 1998). As international arbitration continues to grow in popularity with the rise of cross-border commercial disputes, the international dispute resolution centers have been keen on competitively addressing the new business needs of our global marketplace. The rules of various institutions over the last decade have become increasingly sophisticated, blending common and civil law systems to give rise to non-country specific forums to resolve international disputes.Continue Reading New Year, New Rules for ICC Arbitration including Comparison of ICC, SIAC and HKIAC

作者:胡梅(Meg Utterback) Linda Davinson   金杜律师事务所 争议解决


Continue Reading ICC仲裁新年新规则,以及ICC、SIAC和HKIAC的比较