The official release of the Export Control Law of the People’s Republic of China (the “Export Control Law”) on 17 October 2020 marks the beginning of a new phase in China’s export control legislation – from law-making to law enforcement. The new law has many material changes and breakthroughs to the existing rules and concepts of export control in China. Therefore, how the export control enforcement will unfold in China under the Export Control Law to be effective on 1 December 2020 has aroused wide public attention.
Continue Reading New Export Control Law: 5 Issues Remains to be Clarified

Two sets of new measures have been issued in June 2008 (namely Measures for the Administration of Prohibited and Restricted Technology Import and Measures for the Administration of Import and Export Contracts Registration) which are likely to have a material, practical affect upon technology licenses and transfers to and from China. In November 2007, the Ministry of Commerce updated the Category of Prohibited and Restricted Technology Import.

The measures are a mix of devolution (i.e. the regulations delegate responsibility down to regional Bureaux of Commerce); increased regulation and supervision on the one hand but relaxation in other regards.

By Mark Schaub, Partner Shanghai Office of King & WoodFDI   

Continue Reading New Technology Import Regulations May Cause Headaches for the Unprepared