The main reason of the opponent: before the application of the opposed trademark, the opponent’s cited trademarks have gained high popularity and influence, the opposed trademark is identical or similar to the opponent’s previously registered and used trademarks “WAHL” No. 18393195 in Class 3, “WAHL” No. 280072 in Class 8 and “WAHL” No. 14003711 in Class 8. The opposed party has the subjective Maliciousness of imitating the opponent’s trademark and take ride of the goodwill of the leading brands in the industry for its own benefit, and also has the intention to deceive and mislead the relevant public to confuse and misunderstand the source of the products. If the opposed party’s behavior is allowed, it is bound to harm the rights and interests of the real brand owner and cause confusion to the relevant consumers, leading to confusion in the market and causing many adverse social effects.
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GE Logo Recognized as Well-known Trademark after Winning a Long Battle before the Supreme People’s Court
General Electric Company, as represented by King & Wood Mallesons, has recently won an important trademark litigation before the Supreme People’s Court in China after over ten years of process, resulting in its GE logo successfully recognized as well-known trademark in China.
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Trademark Trends 2021
The newly built Trademark Review Tribunal was officially put into use in the China Trademark Building this March, marking the official opening of the “offline + online” working mode for the regularization of “oral hearing” of trademark review. On the day of the hearing, the Trademark Review and Adjudication Division VII conducted online oral hearings on two cases of “DaFu Feiyue and Device” (“大孚DaFu Feiyue及图”) opposition review case and “JuFengYuan” (“聚豊園”) invalidation case.
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Continue Reading 商标局阻击恶意注册:第33707057号“WAHL”商标异议案(基于被异议人的恶意从而认定实际使用中商品存在关联性)
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近日,新建成的商标评审庭在中国商标大楼正式投入使用,标志着商标评审“口头审理”常态化“线下+线上”工作模式正式开启。庭审当日商标评审七处对“大孚DaFu Feiyue及图”不予注册复审案、“聚豊園”两起无效宣告案件进行了线上口头审理。…
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