By: Li Wenbo   King & Wood’s  International Trade Group

Last month, Mr. Martin Lipton, of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, honored King & Wood with a speech on the implications of the “poison pill” in legal practice.  Mr. Lipton is noted for hisinnovative "rights plan", a series of defensive measures taken by the board of a target company in a hostile takeover.  The “rights plan” is meant to ward off hostile offers that substantially underestimate the value of the target’s shares.  The rights plan was later referred to as the "poison pill" by Wall Street bankers whose attempts at hostile takeover below fair value were frequently frustrated by the "rights plan."

Mr. Lipton’s speech inspired me to ponder the question of how defensive measures work in China’s corporate governance.  I then googled the word "poison pill" and "company" in Chinese, but found no instances of companies utilizing the poison pill within China.  So why is there no poison pill in China?

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