by King and Wood’s Finance Group

Further to Circular No. 145, on 14 October 2011 PBOC released new rules on RMB FDI, the Measures on Administration of the RMB Settlement in relation to Foreign Direct Investment ("PBOC Rules") to roll out PBOC’s detailed management system.  The PBOC Rules cover all the FDI aspects denominated in RMB, including capital injection, payment of purchase price in the acquisition of PRC companies, repatriation of dividends and distribution as well as RMB denominated cross-border loans.  The PBOC Rules adopt similar methodology applied by SAFE to foreign currency FDI but appear to be more friendly.  On the same day, MOFCOM also issued a circular ("MOFCOM Circular") to clarify certain issues in relation to cross-border RMB FDI transactions.
We highlight the following aspects we deem of significance:Continue Reading RMB FDI Goes to Fast Track

金杜律师事务所 融资

继银发(2011)145号文之后, 2011年10月14日中国人民银行就人民币外商直接投资出台新规则《外商直接投资人民币结算业务管理办法》(“人行办法”), 规定了有关人民币结算的具体操作。 人行办法涉及到以人民币进行外商直接投资的方方面面, 包括资本注入、并购中国企业购买价款的支付、股息和利润分配的汇出以及人民币跨境贷款。  人行办法延续了外管局对外汇直接投资的监管思路, 但程序更为简便。 同一天, 商务部也出台通知(“商务部通知”)规定了跨境人民币直接投资交易的相关问题。

我们认为比较重要的方面包括:Continue Reading 人民币外商直接投资进入快车道