Continue Reading 迎着风,追赶着光,开启新能源时代——《新能源项目投资并购法律实务问答》重磅发布

Since the introduction of the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, a series of supporting policies and initiatives have been rolled out to boost the integrated development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), one of the most open and economically dynamic regions in China nowadays.
Continue Reading King & Wood Mallesons releases KWM INSIGHTS: Law and Practice in the Greater Bay Area III (Chinese Version)

为深入推进党史学习教育,2021年6月4日至6日,金杜党委组织全所近百名党员律师代表赴革命圣地延安,开展了“弘扬延安精神 牢记初心使命” 党史学习教育主题活动。
Continue Reading 追寻红色印记 感悟延安精神——金杜党委组织开展党史学习教育主题活动







《Doing Business in China》   https://www.kwm.com/zh/knowledge/downloads/kwm-issues-doing-business-in-china-20200730 (英文)

《在美国做生意》   https://www.kwm.com/zh/knowledge/downloads/kwm-releases-doing-business-in-theus-20190705 (中文)





KWM Releases Doing Business in Japan (2021) (Chinese Version)

KWM is committed to assisting Chinese enterprises in entering and integrating into the Japanese market. Over the years, KWM has accumulated rich experience

Continue Reading 上市公司刑事犯罪报告(2020年度)

Continue Reading 倾心奉献:《金杜观察:中国民法典的制度变革及其影响》

Continue Reading 多年沉淀、厚积薄发:《企业营商风险与合规指引》重磅发布

The statistics show that Chinese investment into the Spanish market during the past four years had seen an increase of over 800% than the figure during the period of 2009 to 2013, which means more Chinese investors investing into Spain. To provide some insights for the investors, Property Investment in Spain – Different Ways of Acquiring Property 2019 produced by the KWM Spain office gives them an access to better understanding the local investment laws and rules.
Continue Reading Property Investment in Spain – Different Ways of Acquiring Property 2019 CN/EN Versions Released