作者:雷继平 金杜律师事务所
Continue Reading 私募股权投资纠纷:管理人如何进行基金清算
作者:雷继平 金杜律师事务所
Continue Reading 私募股权投资纠纷:管理人如何进行基金清算
On 21 August 2020, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (the “HKEx”) published amendments to the rules governing the listing of debt securities to professional investors to closer align the rules with current market practice and to enhance the debt listing regime. The changes are to Chapter 37 of the Main Board Listing Rules (the “Listing Rules”), which was last updated in 2011, and are the result of a public consultation process culminating in the 21 August 2020 document titled Consultation Conclusions and Guidance[1]. The document summarises the upcoming rule changes and simultaneously promulgates a guidance letter[2] (the “Guidance Letter”) on disclosure which primarily addresses disclosure considerations for debt instruments with special features.[3] Market participants and legal practitioners, including King & Wood Mallesons, provided commentary during the consultation process.
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