By King & Wood Mallesons’s Healthcare Group

On 19 September 2012, SFDA released the Rules on Imposing Administrative Penalties for Drugs and Medical Equipment (Consultative Draft) (the “Draft”) and sought feedback from the public. The Draft shall apply to all types of violation regarding drugs and medical equipments, where SFDA has discretion on imposing administrative penalties.
Continue Reading MORE CERTAINTY, LESS DISCRETION —— Proposed New Rules on Administrative Penalty over Drug and Medical Equipment Industry

作者:宁宣凤 彭荷月 金杜律师事务所反垄断组

自《中华人民共和国反垄断法》(“《反垄断法》”)实施以来,作为反垄断执法机构的国家工商行政管理总局(“国家工商总局”)和国家发展和改革委员会(“国家发改委”)已经分别在其职权范围内就一些经营者涉嫌垄断的行为进行了调查,并对部分行为实施了处罚。请参见”First Public Enforcement Decision by SAIC against concrete manufacturers(国家工商总局首个公开处罚决定针对混凝土生产企业)”、”Earlier Rumor Confirmed: China Telecom and China Unicom under Antitrust Investigation(早前传闻被确认——中国电信和中国联通接受反垄断调查)”、”NDRC Fined Two Pharmaceutical Companies for Abusive Conducts(国家发改委对两家制药公司垄断行为进行处罚)”以及”Price Related Breaches of the AML and the Price Law – How Many Public Cases Have There Been?(与价格有关的垄断行为以及价格法——目前有多少公开案例?)”等相关文章。

 Continue Reading 反垄断处罚行政复议常见问题解答

By Susan Ning and Kate Peng

Since the enactment of the China’s Anti-Monopoly Law (“AML“), the State Administration of Industry and Commerce (“SAIC“) and the National Development and Reform Commission (“NDRC“) have investigated into a number of cases that raise competition concerns and have imposed penalties on some companies within their respective authorities.  Please see our previously published articles including “First Public Enforcement Decision by SAIC against concrete manufacturers“, “Earlier Rumor Confirmed: China Telecom and China Unicom under Antitrust Investigation“, “NDRC Fined Two Pharmaceutical Companies for Abusive Conducts“, “Price Related Breaches of the AML and the Price Law -How Many Public Cases Have There Been?“, etc.

According to Article 46 and 47 of the AML, if a business operator reaches and executes a monopoly agreement or abuses its dominant market position, the anti-monopoly enforcement agencies can impose the following penalties:Continue Reading FAQs about Administrative Review of Antitrust Enforcement Decision