By Stephen Johnson King & Wood Mallesons’ Dispute Resolution Group

Traditionally, Chinese companies could avoid engaging in international arbitration because it was difficult to enforce international awards in China. However, the enforcement of international awards in China has greatly improved in recent years. This is in part due to the reporting system implemented by the

By Yuan Min, Wang Jianzhao , and Kirby Carder, King & Wood Insurance Department, Beijing

On February 18th, 2011 the China Insurance Regulatory Commission ("CIRC") Chairman Wu Dingfu made an announcement that the CIRC will be focusing more attention on regulating bank assurance based insurance policy sales. He noted that insurance purchasers are being given misleading advice about the best insurance policies for for their needs when they are consulting with insurance agents at Chinese banking institutions. The Chairman stated that protecting insurer purchasers interests is one of the CIRC important interests, and is one of the cornerstones to the sustained growth of the Chinese insurance industry.Continue Reading The China Insurance Regulatory Commission has Announced that it is Requiring its Local Offices to Issue Written Instructions for its Enforcement Staff to Reduce Illegal Activities in Bank Assurance Insurance Policy Sales

By Meg Utterback and Ding Liang of King & Wood’s Cross border dispute resolution Practice

As the United States mid-term elections draw near, we can expect greater protectionist measures from the US government in an effort to appease voters who are demanding an improvement in the US unemployment statistics. One such protectionist measure is the initiation of the recent 301 investigation relating to allegations that the Chinese clean technology and renewable energy sectors are being unfairly advantaged by government subsidies.   Almost all countries are subsidizing the renewable sector in one form or another in hopes of easing the world’s dependence on fossil fuels. It seems however that the US has taken umbrage with the extent of Chinese programs supporting the clean technology and renewable energy industries.Continue Reading China Clean Tech at Risk– Initiation of the Recent Section 301 Investigation

作者:汪蕊,合伙人 ,金杜律师事务所,奥运工作团队

作为取得奥运会市场开发权益的对价,各相关类别的赞助商向奥运会提供了金额可观的资金和实物投入。每一届奥运会的成功举办都离不开赞助商的大力支持。因此,国际奥委会将赞助商的权益保护视为奥运会筹备组织工作的重要环节。而北京市政府和北京奥组委也在《主办城市合同》及《市场开发计划》中做出了庄严的承诺,将采取一切必要措施防止和打击任何形式的隐性市场行为。Continue Reading 北京2008奥运会的反隐性市场措施