By Mark Schaub and David Hong King&WoodMallesons’ Foreign Direct Investment Group

As we explored in our February 2014 article, “Free Trade Zone has Silver Lining for Gaming Companies,” China has loosened its ban on the sale of video game consoles and games to domestic consumers. Under new policies of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, video game manufacturers will be allowed to produce both consoles and games for sale to Chinese consumers for the first time since 2000.

This relaxation of the ban does not mean that controversial games like Grand Theft Auto will be released in China anytime soon. New regulations were released on April 21, 2014 which describe the approval process for video game manufacturers and also the categories of video game content that remains off limits.
Continue Reading Updated Forecast for the Chinese Games Industry: Mostly Sunny with a High Chance of Clouds

By Mark Schaub and David Hong  King & Wood Mallesons’ Foreign Investment Group

Most media attention in relation to Shanghai’s Free Trade Zone (FTZ) has been in relation to banking sector liberalization and RMB internationalization.

However, personally the writers have felt that some of the greater opportunities in the short to mid- term would be in comparative niches. One such niche is a distinct opportunity for game console manufacturers such as Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo.
Continue Reading Free Trade Zone has Silver Lining for Gaming Companies

There has been a great deal of media coverage in China in the past weeks regarding the impact of Microsoft’s making available its Windows Genuine Advantage (hereafter, “WGA”) to users with Chinese language versions of Windows operating systems. For users going to Microsoft for many of its software updates (excluding some security updates), a validation is required where WGA would notify the user if unlicensed Microsoft Windows software was found on the user’s computer. Microsoft contends that WGA has been made available to warn users of the presence of unlicensed software and to give them the opportunity to purchase licensed software which would then allow them to have the benefits associated with said software, such as product support and ongoing software updates.

Shi Yusheng, Partner, IP Litigation

Mr. Shi Yusheng has also discussed this issue recently on CCTV – 9’s Dialogue

Continue Reading Microsoft’s Windows Genuine Advantage Initiative and the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in China