作者:叶永青 赵文祥 金杜律师事务所商务合规部

2018年2月19日,OECD发布了关于《防止滥用投资移民计划规避CRS信息交换》(Preventing Abuse of Residence by Investment Schemes to Circumvent The CRS)的咨询文件,旨在向公众及利益相关方征求意见,以出台进一步措施规制滥用投资移民计划规避CRS信息交换的行为。

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By King & Wood Mallesons

On 5 October 2015, the OECD presented the final package of measures relating to the BEPS project comprising 15 “Actions” in all. These measures were discussed by G20 Finance Ministers at their meeting on 8 October 2015, in Lima, Peru, and subsequently by G20 Leaders during their annual summit on