By Susan Ning,Hazel YIN,and Han WU 

On 13 August 2012, the Ministry of Commerce (“MOFCOM”) approved Wal-Mart Stores Inc(“Wal-Mart”)’s proposed acquisition of 33.6% share of Niu Hai Holdings (“Niu Hai”),which enables Wal-Mart to have a controllin stake in the online direct sales business of Yihaodian, the largest e-supermarket in China.1 The approval is not without conditions,though.It is the fifth conditional merger clearance decision (“Decision”)MOFCOM issued in 2012 and the first conditional clearance relating to the online retail sector.
 Review Process
 MOFCOM received notification of the transaction on 16 December 2011 and officially accepted it on 16 February 2012.
Continue Reading MOFCOM Approved Wal-Mart’s Acquisition of Controlling Stake in Yihaodian but Said NO to VIE Structure

By Huang Tao  King & Wood Mallesons’ Dispute Resolution Group

The fast growth of China’s economy has gotten more and more foreign enterprises to invest in Mainland China. Foreign investors need to establish a local presence Chinese, for example, a representative office, a branch, a subsidiary, or a joint venture so that they can do business in China. As the business ties between China and the rest of the world strengthen, the number of China-related business disputes has been increasing.

Arbitration is one of the most favored international business transaction dispute resolution mechanisms because it is convenient, efficient, and the cross-border enforceability of arbitration awards tends to be higher than court judgments.
Continue Reading The Validity of Arbitration Agreements under Chinese Law

作者:黄滔 金杜律师事务所争议解决


由于其便利、高效的特点以及裁决跨境执行力的日益增强,仲裁已成为涉外合同中最受欢迎的争议解决机制之一。尽管如此,在某些情况下,即使当事人同意将彼此之间的争议提交仲裁,由于对仲裁条款的效力存在争议,最终也只能将争议提交法院解决。另外,考虑到不同的国家及地区的法律对仲裁协议或条款的效力或执行力存在不同要求,已经及将要在中国开展业务或和与中国公司或个人进行商业往来的企业及商人应对此予以特别的关注。Continue Reading 如何起草国际商事合同中的争议解决条款